Інформація призначена тільки для фахівців сфери охорони здоров'я, осіб,
які мають вищу або середню спеціальну медичну освіту.

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Журнал «Медицина неотложных состояний» 1 (56) 2014

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Lowflow Sevoflurane anaesthesia providing the gas exchange with epiglottic I – gel duct

Авторы: Badinov A.V., Badinova N.V, Vjazovik A.J., Golovchenko A.V., Koljada T.I., Moroz D.A., Gukovich E.S., Ponomarjova G.V., Kovtun A.V., Slusarev V.P. - Luhansk municipal clinical multi-field hospital № 1; Luhansk regional clinical hospital, Luhansk. Ukraine

Рубрики: Медицина неотложных состояний

Версия для печати

Introduction  in anaesthetic practice of new inhalation anesthetics till present times remains actual problem of modern medicine. An advantage of inhalation anesthetics is considered to be the rapid induction, good controllability, hypotoxicity, short period awakening after an operation. No doubt that in abdominal surgeries during general multimodal anesthesia  realization of artificial pulmonary ventilation is required (APV). For a long time, only an intratracheal tube could provide safe APV.  An alternative method of intubation of trachea, in absence  of contra-indications, is possible to be considered the use of laryngeal mask and its prototypes.

At the same time, in opinion of many authors, the low-flow anesthesia with sevorane and  providing the interchange of gases through epilaryngeal I – gel airduct anaesthesia is the method of choice for the patients of different age categories at different operative interventions.

Thereby the purpose of the present work was an estimation of possibility of realization the low-flow anesthesia with sevorane and  providing the interchange of gases through epilaryngeal I – gel airduct for the patients of surgical profile at operative interventions on the inferior level of abdominal region.

The conducted researches showed that APV through epilaryngeal I - gel airduct during general multicomponent anesthesia allows to reduce the load on an anaesthetic brigade due to the exception of auxiliary ventilation of lungs by the mask of anesthesia apparatus. Also allows to increase loading on an operating table, at the large stream of patients, due to possibility to transfer a patient from an operating-room in the ward in more early terms, according to the criteria of scale of Aldrete.

     The use of the low-flow anesthesia with sevorane and  providing the interchange of gases through epilaryngeal I – gel airduct is the effective and safe method of providing the interchange of gases during general multicomponent anesthesia for the patients of surgical profile at non abdominal and some abdominal  operative interventions on the organs of abdominal region.

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