Інформація призначена тільки для фахівців сфери охорони здоров'я, осіб,
які мають вищу або середню спеціальну медичну освіту.

Підтвердіть, що Ви є фахівцем у сфері охорони здоров'я.

Журнал «Боль. Суставы. Позвоночник» 1 (21) 2016

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Chronic diseases and osteoporosis

Авторы: Prodanovic N. - University Clinical Center, Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Рубрики: Ревматология, Травматология и ортопедия

Разделы: Медицинские форумы

Версия для печати

The article was published on p. 82


Objective. Numerous chronic neuromuscular and inflammatory rheumatic or intestinal diseases are listed as a risk factor for osteoporosis development. Above mentioned disorders are connected with increased possibility of accidental felling down, whose results are more frequent bone fractures.

Material and methods. During the period from Jun 2014 to October 2015 we measured bone mineral density (BMD) using Lunar Prodigy Advance device on the lumbar spine and femoral neck, to 62 patients living with rheumatoid arthritis, 36 with ankylosing spondylitis, 46 with Crohn disease, 52 with M. Parkinson, 21 with sclerosis multiplex; and analised inpact of accidental felling down and osteoporotic fracture during the one year period. 
Results. Out of 62 patients (37 female and 25 male) living with rheumatoid arthritis (average age 57.38+/–11.64) BMD (T-skorе –l,07), over the last 12 months we registred 19 (30.6 %) accidental felling down and 6 (9.67 %) new fractures. Out of 36 patients (9 female and 27 male) suffering from ankylosing spondylitis (average age 49.2+/–16.0), BMD (T-skorе –1.2+/–1.8) we registred 7 (19.4 %) accidental felling down and 2 (5.5 %) fractures. We registered 11 (23.91 %) accidental fel–ling down and 6 (13.04 %) bone fractures among 46 patients (31 female, 15 male) with Crohn disease (average age 57+/–9), BMD (T-scorе –1.7+/–1.3). Out of 52 people (21 female, 31 male) suffering M. Parkinson (average age 64+/–13), BMD (T-score –1.70 +/–2.10), 18 (34 %) accidental felling down and 4 (7.69 %) bone fractures were registered. Among 21 patients (16 male, 5 female) with sclerosis multiplex (average age 27+/–9) BMD (T-score –0.70+/–0.97 %), 7 (33 %) accidental felling down and 2 (9.5 %) fractures were registered. In the control cohort formed of 50 people (average age 45+/–20) BMD (T-score –0.10) we registered 4 (8 %) accidental felling down and fractures 1 (2 %) bone fractures. 
Conclusion. Patients with chronic neuromuscular and inflammatory rheumatic or intestinal diseases have decreased bone mass in comparison with healthy people. People living with Parkinson disease have highest incidence of accidental felling down, but osteoporotic bone fracture occur more frequent among patients suffering Crohn disease.   

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